Matthew 15:29-38 (32)
feeding of the 4000 is a very noteworthy miracle, but it was not the first time
Jesus feed so many, for He had previously feed 5000
two feasts emphasized a very important lesson which Jesus desired to teach to
His disciples
1.Jesus’ heart was broken and filled with pity and compassion for the multitudes that had nothing to eat
2.His disciples were to feed the crowds of hungry men, from the bread they received from His hands
3.His disciples were to stand between Him and the world
is the position that the church occupies between Christ and the vast mass of
dying men today
1.the divine heart of Jesus is as broken and as full of compassion today as ever
2.this compassion will be futile, unless His disciples are infused with His own feelings, that they may go forth to do for men what He cannot do
3.the church is to stand between Christ and the world, and give them the bread of life
hands are tied, and Christians are the only medium through which the love of
God can directly touch and save men
1.if we will not be infused with His compassion, if we will not receive the loaves broken by His hands, then the crowds will go unhelped and unhealed
2.if we will not deliver the bread from His hands, then He will have to call on others for assistance, but what if there are no others available at this time - Matthew 9:37 [the labourers are few]
went up into a mountain, and sat - Matthew 15:29
1.there He waited in meditation and divine communion
2.this prepared Him for the three days of ministry - Matthew 15:32
this time Jesus was also aware that His death on the cross was approaching
1.Jesus recognized that He had come down from Heaven, not to do His own will, but the will of the Father who sent Him - John 6:38
a)as a man, He was conscious of His own will, but He was entirely submissive to the will of His Father
b)He desired nothing less than the Father’s will to be done on earth as it was done in Heaven, even if it meant the cross and shame
c)Jesus always knew that He must die and be lifted up on the cross for man’s sins
2.Jesus knew that He was the Lamb of God, which was sent to take away the sins of the world - Jn 1:29
a)the lambs of old, that were to be offered for a sin sacrifice, underwent careful scrutiny, to ensure that they were a fit offering for the sins of the people
b)so too was Jesus searched and shown to be blameless and harmless, without spot or stain
3.Jesus knew that it was necessary for Him to be broken, as the bread which was crumbling in His hand
a)He knew that His flesh was the bread that would give life to the world - John 6:51
b)men would be required to eat this bread, if they wanted to live forever
c)anyone who did eat of this bread, would live forever
all these thoughts, He was sustained by His consuming passion for men
1.God’s love is for the world
2.those who have been most eager for the salvation of others, were men who walked with God, and to whom the yearning pity of God was shared
Christians want to share in the compassion of Christ for the multitude, they
must be willing to obey His call, and to enter into a more intimate fellowship
with Him
And The Crowds
was an infinite attractiveness about Christ
1.there was no need to spend money on advertising the place where He was to be found
2.the crowds found Him out, as bees discover flowers
3.our incompleteness will naturally be attracted to Him, who alone can complete us
kept His doors open day and night
1.when the crowds came to Him, bringing so many lame, maimed, blind, and dumb; that it took three days before they were all healed, they found an open welcome
2.He welcomed them and provided a banquet on the mountain grass
3.the more grievous their physical ailments, the readier His welcome, the more tender His pity
a marvelous contrast there is between Christ and other kings and rulers -
Esther 4:2
1.that is the way with the world’s wealthy and powerful
2.they turn a deaf ear to the moaning of those around them
3.they close their eyes to the distress that is seen everywhere
4.all that is distasteful must be covered with whitewash, the air filled with fragrant perfume and kept radiant with adulation and flattery
are all tempted to go into our gardens, walk quietly among the flowers, sit in
a our gazebos sheltered from the heat, gazing into the infinite blue sky above,
and say, “what a beautiful world”
1.we refuse to look beyond the high walls or heed the cry of little children being prepared to moral death
2.we refuse to see those who are being sold into sin, and of the corruption in which the world lies may be well that we have the power of evading these sights and sounds, or else human life would be unbearable
4.Jesus did not shrink from what would have caused others soul-travail for He said, “I have compassion on the multitude”
compassion of Christ was infinitely attractive to people because He never dealt
with them as a group, but always as distinct individuals
1.nothing hurts our compassion as the habit of classing men together under certain divisions, and dealing with all members of a class on the same principle - Jonah 3:10-4:2, 11 this way, our feelings become deadened
3.we look at the forest, but Christ knows every tree, each branch and twig
4.Christ is familiar with the bitter story of each human life, its tragedy and comedy, its hope and fear, its temptations and burdens
may read in the newspapers of the many that have fallen in battle, and feel
little pity
1.Christ knows how each man fell, the devastation that the news brought into the home, and the bitter tears that were shed for those who never return
2.the woman at the well, the one taken in adultery, Nicodemus, and Zacchaeus; they were all distinct subjects of His thought
fountains of compassion would begin to rise in our heart, if we would begin to
individualize the need of men
1.thinking not of the lame, but of the one lame man; not of the blind, but of one blind man
2.not thinking of the flock, but of the one sheep which has wandered from the fold and is in danger
one lost sheep attracted the shepherd; the one lost coin caused the woman to
search; the one lost child returning filled the father’s home with joy
And His Disciples
“Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion,” then He
sent them to see how many loaves they had - Matthew 15:32, 34
is always bringing us face to face with our inadequate supplies
1.Jesus cannot do without our contribution; He will not work a needless miracle some marvelous way, He is dependent upon us for our cooperation
3.He must have our hands, to fill them with the bread and fish
would have been just as easy for Him to feed the 4000 by turning stones into
food, or by the direct creation of bread without any previous provision
1.this will not do; He must have such loaves as we have
2.small and poor though they be, they are a necessary link in the chain of His providence
causes us to see how many loaves we have, so that we do not become proud; only
seven loaves and a few small fishes, what are they in the presence of this
great need
us look at the crowds until we are filled with a deep compassion for them
1.then let us look at our slender supplies until we are driven to Him who alone can make them sufficient
2.let us lay ourselves at His feet, confessing our need of His help, or it is useless to think of meeting the urgent need of the perishing multitudes
“HE…GAVE TO HIS DISCIPLES” - Matthew 15:36
may be sure that the Master will never leave us to face the multitudes by
1.we have been brought into contact with them because of our association with Him
2.He will supply us sufficiently for all their needs, if we will abide in Him and draw from Him what they require
mistake is that we so often endeavor to supply bread of our own making
is not only the Giver of the bread, but He is the Bread, the living Bread which
came down from Heaven is this aspect of Jesus that men need
2.when we are conscious of sin, the need of forgiveness and peace, when we are broken by disappointment and failure, then we need Him who is the Bread of life
3.Jesus said, “this is my body which is given [broken] for you” - 1 Corinthians 11:24, Luke 22:19
by giving to the multitude can we keep our hands full
1.had the disciples ceased to give, the bread would have ceased to condition for increase is distribution
3.this is the reason some, who are ever hearing the Word, fail to make increase in the life of God
4.nothing is given to us for ourselves only, but to impart to others
new glimpse of truth is given so that we may hand it on to others, that all may
be well satisfied